
1st Classical Chess Championship, multi-stage Challenge.

So 2 games, 90+30, unless the higher seed wins the first game, right? When do you want the games done by? Right now I'm in the middle of scheduling another classical game which will probably be Saturday.
@borninthesixties said in #92:
> So 2 games, 90+30, unless the higher seed wins the first game, right? When do you want the games done by? Right now I'm in the middle of scheduling another classical game which will probably be Saturday.
I want a game done within 7 days as long as it's possible. I presume the four of you will be pretty good at scheduling as you all made it here.

And yeppers that's the format!
@Dude128 said in #94:
> The almightyge wins and is in the final!

Look at my lonely king rook and knight, sitting there, spectators to the game of chess that just concluded. Lesson right there - tough to win when you basically are down 2 pieces.

Interesting game. I was able to grab a pawn early on but the cost was high as almighty's pawns rapidly gained space on the king side. Based on comments during the game, I think both of us found the position very complex and difficult to figure out. At move 14 I made the first big mistake with Bxh4. I wanted to play fxe4 but didn't like the look of the resulting positions, thinking there might be too much pressure on h2. Thought I'd have to play h3 and he'd grab the pawn back and I would just be in a very cramped position. Neither of us saw the great follow-up in Ne2 which would have saved the pawn. The position then got more and more cramped but I got one more chance to possibly untangle at move 19, after my opponent played Rd8. I was looking at the right move (Nf3) but for some reason I still cannot understand, didn't play it. That was the final straw.

Good game @thealmightygebaby, I enjoyed both of our contests and the unique positions we reached, and wish you luck in the final.
@thealmightygebaby wins the championship 7-0! 5-0 in the swiss
@ARMANDAS_130 Gets 2nd place with a 6-3 score! 3.5-1.5 in the swiss
@chesspawnrookking Gets 3rd place with a 4-3 score! 3.5-1.5 in the swiss
@borninthesixties Gets 4th place with a 3-3 score! 3-2 in the swiss
@natakial2 Gets 5th place with a 3-2 score!
@Dude128 Gets 6th place with a 2.5-2.5 score!
@coolchesscat1 Gets 7th place with a 2-3 score!
@AVIKTORA55 Gets 8th place with a 2-3 score!
@cumulus200 Gets 9th place with a 2-3 score!
@Flashmadness Gets 10th place with a 1.5-3.5 score!
@shortyadamshardwick Gets 11th place with a 0.5-4.5 score!

Thank you to everyone who played, the next series will be announced shortly!

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