

HPFC is as dead. I’m even 99.9% confident that less than 6 people are going to see this. Someone needs to do something fast. Harry Potter fan club needs active players as leaders, and HAVE WATCHED/READ ALL HARRY POTTER FILMS/BOOKS. And lastly, people that keep up with forum games or other stuff like that.
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@Mr-Q-01 said in #2:
> Yes, leaders and members need to reorganize HFPC or the lichess biggest Harry Potter fan club will die
I guess, what do you think we should do?
@Przykid said in #5:
> We need better leaders
How could i be better, i don't think the other leaders are active rn
Maybe get some “helper” leaders, organize events, talk to people, etc.
k, do you want to be one of them then?
Yes, you have done a good job, but its hard to do everything by yourself
K i will make you one of the owners then

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