
Don't Study Openings

I study classical lines(with the aids of Stockfish) and play them regardless of time control.

Playing shit opening only help in bullet and blitz.

When you get older and when you want to play OTB and correspondence chess, you will regret with those shit opening.

I highly doubt, those shit opening will get good scores against 2200+ in OTB and correspondence.
@Mahith1708 @pawnaway, I see you have a nice way with words. However, is there any chance to agree testing your theories by practice? Let's say @Mahith1708, at some point I'll play as black Ng8-f6-g8 followed by Nb8-c6-b8, okay, do you really believe that you can pull out some theory against it? Let's try, don't be shy. Lol
I don't think anyone in their right mind will spend a lot of time studying that unless they are preparing for someone who does. There's no need. You just play normal moves and you'll have a fantastic position. Is it an auto-win? No, but you'll have far better winning chances than if black played anything remotely sensible.

Try make Stockfish play itself with that opening. White will win every time.
@pawnaway, I'm not talking about computer assistance, if that is the idea, or some weird softwares playing against themselves. I just don't believe that one who is 2000 rated can really capitalize on opening inaccuracies. Because he doesn't understand the game. So, at this level, playing by the book is irrelevant.
yes spending hours on openings is pointless, but not playing an opening is just a disadvantage to your self, while having a good middle game is important relying on your opponent to blunder mate in three is unrealistic as you get better.
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But every titled player I met memorized openings. So I memorized too. I do not regret it. I now enjoy chess more. When I was not studying openings I had no chance to fight in the middle game and never reached any endgame battle.
Studying openings does not make you a "Worse" player.
But it does slow down your progress.
Openings matter less than endgames tactics and middle-games.
Always study what matters more before the things that matter less.
My thoughts.
The bongcloud might be funny to play, but if you don't know anything about general chess knowledge (such as tactics and finding the right moves to defend against threats), the clown might actually be you, and not your opponent if you lose.
The vast majority believe that the opening book is some kind of golden chest full of magical weapons. <<You didn't apply the book recommendations, you are mistaken!>> Oh, no... my young scholar, you will find that it is you who are mistaken, about a great many things.

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