
Don't Study Openings

Forget openings, play bots, master the secret art of tempo and play gambit
I think the OP means that you should not devote ALL your chess study time to learning openings...
Openings theory is massively overrated and memorizing instead of understanding sounds counterintuitive anyway.
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Too much time spent studying opening traps could lead to time lost in finishing a won game.

@screamingmonsters - 2000ELO players know how to play the game, and they know it much better than 1500ELO players. Shit, even 800ELO players know how to play the game.

Stop pedaling elitist trash.

If we follow your assertion to its extreme, Magnus Carlsen doesn't know how to play the game, because Stockfish takes a smelly poo down his throat.
Opening Study is Most Fun. For chess players playing for fun, study openings and tactics more than other aspects of chess.
If your intention is increase your rating Online and OTB, yes study endgames most. For Fun players not interested in Ratings, openings and tactics study matter most.

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