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113 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - ASK ME ANYTHING I'LL ANSWER (This is my first this-type post guys.. Dont eat my head)#96

@Saranya_Sett said in #95: > exactly- but i do not think toy story is good. just my opinion no just think like a child and you'll love toy story from 1 to 4

Off-Topic Discussion - ASK ME ANYTHING I'LL ANSWER (This is my first this-type post guys.. Dont eat my head)#90

@Raven-Darklake said in #89: > is it bad that i have never seen Toy story? yes it is really bad

Off-Topic Discussion - ASK ME ANYTHING I'LL ANSWER (This is my first this-type post guys.. Dont eat my head)#87

@Raven-Darklake said in #85: > can we be freinds? or besties idkk lol with who do you want to be friends?

Off-Topic Discussion - ASK ME ANYTHING I'LL ANSWER (This is my first this-type post guys.. Dont eat my head)#86

@alexObby21 said in #84: > Ok. Let's see if I can answer this... > Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is one of the longest words in the dictionary, and ironically, it means the fear of long words. …

Off-Topic Discussion - ASK ME ANYTHING I'LL ANSWER (This is my first this-type post guys.. Dont eat my head)#82

all of them are real words and make sense

Off-Topic Discussion - ASK ME ANYTHING I'LL ANSWER (This is my first this-type post guys.. Dont eat my head)#81

you are not answering all questions if you wnat to prove it then what is hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia with pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis and Aequeosalinocalcalinoceraceoalumino…

Off-Topic Discussion - ASK ME ANYTHING I'LL ANSWER (This is my first this-type post guys.. Dont eat my head)#53

@Saranya_Sett said in #45: > A game incorrect

Off-Topic Discussion - ASK ME ANYTHING I'LL ANSWER (This is my first this-type post guys.. Dont eat my head)#52

@ShrijeshP said in #42: > @Saranya_Sett, Who is Shoto Todoroki?? he is a fictional anime character from my hero academia also known as mononym

Off-Topic Discussion - ASK ME ANYTHING I'LL ANSWER (This is my first this-type post guys.. Dont eat my head)#41

who is shurado tell me!!

Off-Topic Discussion - ASK ME ANYTHING I'LL ANSWER (This is my first this-type post guys.. Dont eat my head)#22

who is shurado
