
Preview: FIDE World Chess Championship 2023

Really good article. This puts the whole "World Champion" model to the test when there is one player who could beat whoever takes the abdicated title, as though the "title" were titular (which it seems to be). Not to take away from the two contenders, who are amazing chess players, but what if they can't beat Carlsen? Isn't the title moot? And what does that say about our need to constantly have a champion?
So... Ian vs Ding, well I'm sure it will be an interesting match with two highly conflicting styles and congratulations ahead of time to whoever wins that. Also, have you SEEN "the controversies"? If things were simpler and came purely down to a game of skill, we would have chess in its rawest form and instead all of this nonsense is happening :( Whatever happened to keeping things simple and on the board, must people always overcomplicate everything in life?
in 1975, Fischer did not refuse, he asked FIDE for the same protections Botvinnik had in protecting his title and FIDE refused.
<Comment deleted by user>
Name a better duo than chess players and clueless opinions.

"dOn'T MiX pOLiTics anD CheSs"

Chess is governed by FIDE, whose newly elected president has deep ties with Russian oligarchs and criminals.
Chess is widely used by Russia to promote their country. Saudi Arabia for example does the same as well (just as many other countries do).

One Russian commenter wrote on page 2 here asking why USA was not boycotted when they invaded the countries they listed, clueless to the fact half of those same countries were invaded by Russia as well, or more, and at least one was used to stop a planned genocide (Yugoslavia I am looking at you).
I am against imperialism, be it USA or Russia or China. Currently Russia is invading another country, and trying to conduct a genocide.

If you truly believe in "don't mix politics and chess (sport)" then don't elect a corrupt president who is closely tied with war criminals, don't invite government officials to opening ceremonies, don't sing national songs, don't organize Olympics where the results are massively used by all countries to promote their "politics". Don't accept sponsors tied to the Russian war machine or on the sanctioned list (Gazprom, Kaspersky etc). Don't let athletes compete for any country, under any flag.
Then we can talk about "no politics in sports", everything else is nonsense.
@ViniPyh said in #16:
> Lichess, quit mixing politics and sports.
> I’m against the invasion, but banning sport based on politics is just wrong because there is no objectivity to it. Why was the USA not banned when it invaded Cuba, Vietnam, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria? I’m not judging on wether these invasions were justified. I’m saying that you can never objectify politics.

Unfortunately it’s ultimately because the US is the sole superpower that has most of the western powers on its side. I was against the banning of the Russian flag on chesscom as it was unfairly punishing players and inserting them in a political chess battle they didn’t ask for, especially for the points you mentioned.

I was disappointed how the article didn’t say how a win from any country is treated as propaganda for the winning country. The Fischer win was seen as a cold war victory over the Soviets, not calling it propaganda for the west is infuriating and biased. We should either eliminate flags from sports entirely or keep them all up, no picking and choosing, that’s the only fair and objective policy.
Carlsen was dense his opening and developing lot’s of pieces before he attacks, and could you imagine Karpov an grand master loses with a 3 year old kid! Do you think that is possible? Well we will soon find out

CM Cyrus182-theblindbat
Calrsen was dense Kobe917.

Make sur you like this artical! ;D

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